Frame Runner

  • Sale
  • $4,365.00
  • Regular price $4,850.00

Our newest addition - Our running frame, also known as a "Frame Runner", is an adaptive mobility device and a growing global sport!

Available in multiple sizes!

Frame Running is an innovative recreation/sport for people with a physical disability who have impaired balance, who are not able to functionally run, regardless of age. A FrameRunner trike is a custom built three-wheeled frame where the runner is fully supported by a saddle and leans against a chest support, propelling themselves forward by the feet (one or both), while using the hands and/or arms to steer.

Participating in FrameRunning provides each individual the freedom to move and run in a supported and balanced way without a walker, wheelchair or similar device. FrameRunning is a liberating sport and running frames are frequently used by children and adults with cerebral palsy (CP), Parkinson’s, stroke, spinal cord injuries (SCI), muscular dystrophy, or general balance and mobility challenges to propel themselves on their own and engage their major muscle groups.

To enquire about purchasing a Frame Runner, please contact our Freedom Wheels Sales Team directly on

Anyone can run!